Why Choose Professional Stone Cleaning London?

Why Choose Professional Stone Cleaning London?

Why Choose Professional Stone Cleaning London?


With buildings in London having such character, history and architectural brilliance, it is essential to maintain their beauty. One of the best ways to preserve the stonework in London is through professional stone cleaning. At City Stone UK, our skilled and experienced stonemasons provide expert professional stone cleaning London so that you can always achieve the desired look for your property.

The benefits of professional stone cleaning London

There are many benefits and reasons for choosing professional stone cleaning London for your outdoor stonework. These may include;

  •          Add value to your property

  •          Add life to the stonework through restoration rather than repair

  •          Create a barrier against dirt

  •          Provide a protective seal against rainwater

  •          More attractive stonework

  •          Provide a great first impression.

How professional stone cleaning London works

Whether commercial or residential, listed or buildings of interest, every stone cleaning job is completed with expert care and attention. Experienced stonemasons will first conduct a site assessment to determine the best method of cleaning. The ideal cleaning method will depend on the type of stone and well as the level of dirt.

For gentle, yet effective cleaning, steam cleaning is a popular choice. This method is acceptable to use on listed builds and facades as well as being useful when cleaning natural stone and marble. For stonework that is not able to handle saturation, then a nebulous spray treatment could be chosen. Nebulous sprays work by softening the dirt so that it can be removed with special tools.

City Stone UK also offer chemical-free cleaning using a JOS system which can remove dirt, grease and sulphur deposits. It is also the perfect choice for stonework that is intricately carved or fragile.

When choosing a professional stone cleaning service, it is vital to find a professional company with the experience of working with stone. Damage to stonework can be costly to repair, especially with listed facades and buildings. Make sure you employ a company with the expertise and commitment to work with care and attention to protect your stonework and save you money.



Professional stone cleaningWhy Choose Professional Stone Cleaning London?
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